Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Perception Of Deadlines More Stressful Than Deadlines, Says Psychologist" Scientific Blogging

I came across this article while researching on Mindset vs Perception. I have to agree totally with the author of the article. Perception determines the outcome of "US" in every situation.

For example, David (not his real name), a friend of mine, came from a very humble background. However, that didn't deter him from becoming a successful businessman. I remember when he first started off to set up his own business using all his hard earned money, his partner ran off with almost every penny that he had. Left him with nothing but creditors and liabilities. What would you have done if you were him?

A few possible scenarios.

Scenario 1 Perceived defeat

Believe that it was fate that he was born to be humble and poor. Gave up his dream of becoming his own boss. Went back to join the work force so as to repay the debts. Walk the rest of his life with his head bowed believing he is a failure.

Scenario 2 Perceived the end of the world.

Could not understand why such things had to happen to him. Believed that nothing good would happen to him. Believed that even if he were to try and pay up the debts, more terrible things would happen to him. Gave up on his life.

Scenario 3 Perceived it as a challenge

And by conquering this challenge he would only be stronger and better. Looked at it as a lesson learnt. Moved on to do whatever he could to repay the debts yet continued to plan his next move taking into consideration the lessons learnt.

That's what David perceived - Scenario 3. But he didn't succeed until he tried a third time. Now, he has an office in Singapore and a factory in China.

Failure is not destructive, your perception of the failure is.

Words are innocent but your perception will determine whether it is a feedback or an insult. Your perception is going to affect your actions and reactions which will result in the kind of relationship you build with the people around you.

But..but..but, perception of the situation is so automatic. I can't help it.... or is there something we can actually do about it?

Of course...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Does everyone need someone's help to resolve their issues?

NO. Some people are simply self-motivated survivors who are always on the move to seek different ways to overcome challenges in their lives.

I am one of them. It's a survivor instinct that keeps us going, not knowing when to say quit to life. Of course, there are times when we feel absolutely exhausted and even dejected. We will stop whatever we are doing and simply do nothing that's related to the challenge that we are facing. Yet, that's not quiting. That's simply resting.

If we are able to will ourselves to clear our mind while resting, wonderful. However, it is really not that easy. The conventional way is to seek distraction - shopping, eating, exercising etc. Even so, some of us may still be thinking about the unresolved issue.

As a Hypnotherapist, I can tell you that such methods are fine especially the healthy ones but the less 'healthy' ones may become bad habits or addiction - another set of problems to resolve.

That's when I realised that HypnoSpa will do the job. I can help my client completely relax their mind within a few minutes. They will emerge feeling completely relaxed and refreshed. With their mind cleared and calmed, they can go back to brave their challenges.

There are enough challenges in life. We don't need to create more by making wrong decisions because we are exhausted or too troubled. We also need not create unnecessary health issues.