Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quantum Touch Workshop

A 2-day Quantum Touch Workshop ended on 11 October 2009 with an unbelieveable result. My associate, Bingz, is a QT Practitioner and Instructor. Amongst us was an elderly Philippine man who had been recieving QT Distance Healing from her. When he experienced the results of the Distance Healing, he decided to flew over for the Workshop.

Day 1, when I met him, he was supported by a metal walking stick. He didn't look very well so I told him to forget about taking off his shoes at the door. After a morning session of QT lesson and hands on healing practice on one another, he decided to go lunch with us without using his walking stick. He felt a little stronger in his right leg to do so.

Day 2, he came back and we continued our lessons taking turns to practise QT on one another. We spend more time for him as he also has spinal problem. He was telling us after each practice that his mind kept wanting to see results. He was so eager that he has difficulty appreciating the healing that he is recieving. Thus, I suggested that we shall do a combination of HypnoSpa and QT.

The other participants started Distance healing outside the therapy room while I help relaxed his mind and focus his attention to recieving healing from the rest. He was so relaxed that he dozed off occassionally. However, like I have mentioned to many, this will not affect the effectiveness of HypnoSpa.

The group doing distance healing reported the intensity of the energy they felt. While for the elderly man, he didn't notice that he left his walking stick behind when he was about to leave the shop. In fact, he stood with one leg on the floor while resting the other on the shoe rack so that he could tie his shoe laces. When I passed him his walking stick, he wasn't using it at all.

I am so happy that healing was done and he benefited from the whole session. Now that I have acquired QT, I will apply it to my therapy sessions to increase the efficiency of the session.

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