Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Finally, he is sleeping well!

When he first called me for an appointment, he told me he may not be able to pay for my service but he was desperate for help. I told him to just drop by for a chat to see if I could help him. He did.

He was weary when he entered and I could tell from his body gesture that he lack confidence and was really tired. His hands were trembling, so was his voice. His exhaustion was written all over his face. He shared with me about the endless unwanted thoughts that enters his mind. He told me his struggle to be more positive and confident of himself. He shared about how helpless and hopeless he felt and his health was terrible. He asked if I could help.

I told him, I definitely will be able to help and he need not worry about the charges. I know how tough it is for taxi drivers and for him, he still got to pay for his mum's and his own medical bills. He paid me the lowest of the fee immediately even before the therapy was scheduled to take place. That was how determined he was to get out of the situation.

1st session: He was rather nervous but he eventually learn to let go and I taught him how to do self-hypnosis. As usual, I did some life coaching too.

2nd session: He came back 1 week later, looking fresh and happy. He told me, "Joyce, you know what, I went to sleep late but I wake up at 3am in the morning and I was feeling fresh and energetic!" He followed what I taught him to do for self-hypnosis dutifully. As a result of that, his sleep improved. He was able to enjoy deep, rested sleep. This in turn, made him feel good and his health improved. He has even used the method to stop himself from harmful thoughts.

Thank you God, angels... for giving me a chance to help him. I am really happy to see the positive energy surrounding him. After the 2nd session and after teaching him the 2nd step in self-hypnosis, I told him he need not come back to see me anymore.

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